Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The First Prayer

My former spiritual director, Gerry, recommended a book called "Riding the Dragon". It was obviously clairvoyant of him because the book is designed to help those who help others in difficult situations. Of course, I forgot I had it. I was ready for a re-read ...

I decided to read each chapter three times on three consecutive mornings. The first morning, I prayed. The second morning, I wrote a hand-written journal entry about what caught my attention. On the third morning, I wrote a prayer to share:

Prayers for ‘Riding the Dragon’

The First Prayer for the First Chapter:

Our dearest and only Creator, we want to sense the marvels of your presence in our world. Yet, as your Son Jesus told us in the parable of the sower, worries and cares come-up like weeds to choke the fruit of believers. When our gardens are crowded, every plant becomes a weed to its neighbor. Our peace is disturbed by these many campaigns: for excellence, against injustice, and in the name of cordial relations. Kitchi Manitou, help us to exhale and draw a new breath from your essence. Through your Kairos Spirit –the sense of right-timing—teach us to locate the peace that is indigenous to our unique hearts and help it to flourish and proliferate. Lend us the patience needed to cultivate each gift.

In your many names, we ask you to hold tight to us when the emotions of our growth process become overwhelming – teach us not to hold that poison inside. Still, hold us equally close when we have gone to our hiding places in an attempt to normalize our struggle and, thus, shy from the fears and doubts that accompany our evolving Calls in life. Give us the grace to, lovingly, question ourselves when others doubt our endeavors and the freedom to take or leave their comments in a spirit of discernment. We acknowledge that we need divine perseverance not just from determination but through patience and centering. We acknowledge you as a God in-process with us, or else our imperfections would be too disgusting. Prune our unrealistic and misguided expectations, first for ourselves and then for others. Help us to be moved more by compassion than conviction, more by the Almighty than by achievement, and more by the beautiful than the brutal. Take what we thought was only dirt and raise bushel after bushel of flowers from this darkness.

I love you,

In all Your Holy names I pray,


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